
Credit Card - Account Issuer Product

Loan-Growth Opportunity, Speed to Market Highlight Program
One of the most consistent themes we’ve heard from GBA member banks in the past year has been the search for new sources of loan growth and revenue.

Click here for a great white paper from Corserv written for any bank thinking about getting into the Credit Card business...

The Corserv Account Issuer credit card program can help a bank systematically build a predictable, profitable, easily managed credit card portfolio. Some of the highlights are:

  • Visa or MasterCard brands available, complete with rewards and other features

  • Consumer, small business and corporate card programs available

  • The bank originates, funds and keeps the account balances on its books

  • Corserv manages the operational and regulatory aspects of account management, including collections

  • Corserv provides plug-and-play processes, policies and technologies to support the program

  • Corserv shares responsibility for card fraud

  • Speed to market, with the capability to launch customer offerings in less than 150 days.

  • Corserv offers the Account Issuer program in partnership with Pinnacle Bank of Nashville, TN. This leverages Pinnacle’s credit card platform to enable other community banks to efficiently originate, fund and service credit card loans to their local customers.

Corserv’s management team is led by card-industry expert Jerry Craft, who has a long track record of building successful credit card portfolios in Georgia. The management team averages more than 25 years of card-industry experience each.

Here’s a link to some more information about Corserv and its Account Issuer program.