GBA Member Profile

Tripp Cofield
President & CEO
GBA Insurance Trust, Inc., Paragon Benefits, Inc., and GBA Retirement Services, Inc
Atlanta, GA
Published July 27, 2023

Q: As GBA members meet you or talk to you for the first time, what can they expect from you?
A: I enjoy meeting new people and getting to know them, so definitely expect a talker who asks lots of questions. I’m likely to ask GBA members for feedback about the products and services we offer through GBA Insurance Trust and GBA Retirement Services, as our team is always looking for ways to serve our membership better. Don’t be surprised if I end up talking a lot about my wife and kids during our first conversation!

Q: What might someone be surprised to learn about you?
A: I have an Apple Watch exercise goal achievement streak of 1,931 days and counting. Since moving home from DC six years ago, I’ve lost nearly 50 pounds. My fitness journey started with short runs and grew into sprint triathlons and much longer runs (several half marathons and a marathon). Over time, exercising has become a big part of my life and something I do each day.

Q: When you’re not on the job at GBA, what do you like to do?
A: I enjoy traveling with my wife and two children. We try to schedule at least a couple of family trips each year, but we’ve found that sometimes the best ones are those we don’t plan in advance. There’s not much better than sharing those experiences with Jenny and the kids. When I’m not hanging out with my family, I enjoy exercising and playing sports. Golf and pickleball are two of my favorites. Mountain biking is at the top of the list when I’m feeling more adventurous.

Q: If you weren’t doing what you do today, what career path would you have chosen?
A: I would consider a career in medicine. I very much enjoy helping people and being a medical professional would provide a lot of opportunities to do that. If we’re talking blue skies and magic—rather than a job I may actually be able to do—I’d be a starting pitcher for the Atlanta Braves. Pitching a few innings every four or five days and playing golf on my rest days sounds pretty nice. I’m sure there would be more to it than that, but John Smoltz, Greg Maddux, and Tom Glavine sure made it seem that simple when I was young!

Q: First tap/click of the day?
A: After a tap to silence my alarm clock, it’s usually the Outlook app to check emails. Most mornings, there is nothing new or pressing in my inbox, but I like to be sure before moving on to something else. The Outlook app also has my calendar for the day, so a quick glance at that helps me think through the logistics of the day.

Q: Most used app?
A: Twitter, and it’s not even close. I don’t tweet—and never really have. I began using it ten years ago as a congressional staffer who was eager to find out what was happening around the Capitol before everyone else, and it was great for that if you were following the right people (still works well for that purpose today). I use it mostly these days to keep up with current news and events, politics, sports, and other personal and professional interests.

Q: TV show or series you love?
A: Ted Lasso. I discovered Ted Lasso during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, and it felt like the show the world needed at the time. It was a good story, easy to watch, and very funny, with a relentlessly optimistic lead character and great supporting cast.