About the Georgia Bankers Association

The Georgia Bankers Association is the trade and professional organization representing the interests of banks and thrift institutions in the state of Georgia.

Virtually every institution is a member. Policy is set by a Board of Directors which is elected among the membership.

The Executive Committee is made up of the Chairman, Chairman Elect, Vice Chairman, Secretary Treasurer and Immediate Past Chairman, all of whom are elected statewide. The Board appoints a President and Chief Executive Officer who serves at the pleasure of the Board and is a member of the Executive Committee.

Each of the three GBA Groups annually elects one member to serve a three-year term. Each year, the incoming GBA Chairman of the Board appoints an At Large member to the Board to serve a three-year term.

There also are three designated positions on the Board: Leadership GBA Chairman, GBA Services, Inc. Chairman, and Community Bankers Committee Chairman. Each serves a one-year term.

Associate members elect a representative to the Board who serves a three-year term. And, the Association’s General Counsel attends all Board meetings but does not serve as a member.

Working on a day to day basis to carry out policy is a full-time staff of professionals. The association operates with a regularly-updated Strategic Plan. Within the plan are four Strategic Objectives:

  1. Provide professional development programs and opportunities for members
  2. Deliver quality products and services that provide cost savings, revenue enhancements and expertise to members
  3. Lobby to pass favorable legislation/regulations and to defeat unfavorable legislation/regulations
  4. Be the principal voice on banking issues to members, the media, policy makers and the public.

Vision Statement: The Georgia Bankers Association will be the primary outside resource for all members in accomplishing their goals and objectives.

See the GBA Group Map

Legislative Reception

Washington visit

Georgia Banking School award winners

President and CEO Tripp Cofield and wife, Jenny, with former President and CEO Joe Brannen, with wife, Vilda