The GBA FedPAC and GBA StatePAC are the political action committees of the Georgia Bankers Association.

The GBA FedPAC supports Georgia candidates running for the U.S. Congress, while the GBA StatePAC supports candidates running for state offices such as the Georgia General Assembly, Governor and Lt. Governor. Member companies can contribute to the GBA StatePAC and certain bank officers, directors and other individuals may contribute to the GBA FedPAC.

Both PACs support candidates who advocate for a free and competitive financial marketplace.

Our competitors all raise millions of dollars each election cycle to support certain candidates. The GBA PACs need the support of its members to compete with them and be able to tell our story.

How contributions are used

The sole purpose of GBA FedPAC and GBA StatePAC is to support the campaigns of candidates who work for the concerns of the banking industry.

Each election year, the Georgia BankPAC Board of Directors reviews candidates for state and federal office in Georgia and makes contributions to those worthy of receiving contributions from GBA FedPAC and GBA StatePAC.

For more information, contact Elizabeth Chandler, EVP-Government Relations & Advocacy, 404.420.2027.

Important PAC Information

Georgia BankPAC Golf Classic and Clay Shooting Tournament

Every year, Leadership GBA hosts a two-person scramble golf tournament in the fall and a four-person team clay shooting tournament in the spring to support the GBA StatePAC. They are great opportunities to invite legislators and directors to meet and mingle with your colleagues in the banking industry. The proceeds from these tournaments are donated to the GBA StatePAC.* See the GBA Calendar of Events for upcoming dates.

* The GBA StatePAC contributes only to candidates running for state-level office such as the Georgia General Assembly, the Governor’s office and the Lieutenant Governor’s office.  Contributions can be made from an individual, from bank funds if you are a state chartered bank or from a national bank holding company if the contribution is made from funds other than those resulting from the operations of the national bank.

2024 Campaign Goals

GBA StatePAC - $190,355
GBA FedPAC - $92,230

Donate Online